Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

     The story, Ethics in the age of digital manipulation, talks about situations where photographers altered their photos and the consequences of their actions. Most of the photographers lost their jobs and their credibility. I don't think this is ethical, because in some cases, if you alter the photo, you alter the story. For example, when the image of the missile test launch was altered from having three launched missiles and one failed missile to four successful missiles. When the photographer changed the photo, he made it so all four missiles launched, which wasn't true.

Most Unethical

I think this photo is the most unethical because if the university wanted a more diverse cover for the admissions  application, then they should use a different photo. They didn't have to edit Shabazz into the photo.

Least Unethical

I think this photo is the least unethical because changing the looks of the women's teeth doesn't change anything other than that. It doesn't effect their story or anything like that. 

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