Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Day Pictures

Free Choice
          For my free choice picture, I chose to take a picture of this flower that I saw at the base of one of the trees in the courtyard. I thought it was a really interesting looking flower and the color really caught my eye. I like this picture because, in my opinion, I think the lighting was good and I thought I used the rule of thirds well.

My Partner

 My First Memory of Bowie
       My first memory of Bowie was in the walkway leading to the courtyard/school. I came to school with some friends of mine that are seniors. When walking through, there were a lot of students handing out donuts and fish tags. I remember thinking about how huge the school is and how it seems so much bigger once all of the students are here (I came a week early to tour the school and it didn't seem too huge).

Something Living

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