Monday, October 26, 2015

             Taylor Swift is casually shopping at her local Randall's, searching for the perfect tomato, when she is stopped by a younger woman, coincidentally named Taylor Swift as well, who asks if she can  take a picture of the woman and her sweater. 

               Luke, Ashton, Michaela, & Calum rest their feet after 70 years on tour, nonstop, with their band, 17 Years of Winter. The band hadn't taken a break since 2015 after the release of their second album, which made #1 in Antarctica, Good Sounds, Good Feels. 

                Sheila Leapore is celebrating her 100th birthday by lighting up a celebratory cigarette. Sheila did everything to try and stay connected to her youth, including following the "cool" trend of smoking cigarettes. She made it to her 107th birthday following these new trends like hitting the whip, before she whipped to hard. 

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