Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection & Critique

1) One of the challenges I  had while taking pictures was that I had trouble finding an interesting subject.

2) I thought about whether or not the pictures were in focus pretty much the entire shoot. I had to take my time when shooting so I could make sure that all of my photos were in focus. 

3) I would definitely focus on a lot of different rules since most of my photos were just rule of thirds.

4) I would still take my time to make sure that the photos came out focused.

5) I think the easiest rule to use is the rule of thirds.

6) In my opinion, its hardest to take a simple picture because there is so much going on at our school that it's hard to find something simple.

7) I have a pretty good understanding of all of the basic rules of photography, but I could go back and look at old assignments to review how to use the rules.


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