Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

1) Leslie's Pose photo was my favorite. There were leading lines toward the subject which drew my eyes in and the background was simple which made it easier to look at. The black and white looked very nice as well.

2) My least favorite photo was the Pause photo. I don't really like the angle and perspective it was taken from and the coloring is a little strange in the photo. 

3) All of the photos were very creative and demonstrated the rules of photography.

4) The coloring of the photos was kind of off putting, because they are all so bright and very blue. I would suggest maybe sticking to the original coloring after basic levels and curves. 

5) She definitely accurately portrayed pose, because it is a photo of someone posing.

6) The End doesn't make much sense to me, because it is just a photo of tree branches.

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