Saturday, May 7, 2016

Final Exam Planning

1) I plan to shoot this assignment nextweekend.
2) I will be shooting in my house and possibly in my backyard.
3) I be documenting a day in the life of my dogs and just focusing on all of the annoying silly stuff they do all day
4) I will only need a camera
5) Because I like to focus on the funnier parts of life, I plan on narrating the entire video as if it was a wildlife documentary like when the narrators say "the _____ stalks its prey". I will probably use more than one clip of video. I will probably show my smaller dog, Lola, when we are about to give her food because she does a little dance & both of my dogs chasing each other and playing. The photos will probably just be of my dogs when they are being annoying like when they beg for food at the dinner table or when Lola won't stop biting people's feet

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